


You can be anyone, you can change masks, change your mind, pretend, lie, seem like someone you are not. Does it make sense? Yes and no. This is a difficult time: a time of political statements, unnecessary deaths, migration, family quarrels, high-profile media coverage, and of course - hypocrisy.
And so, in this difficult time, when everyone urges you to talk about important things (or to be silent at all), you open a gallery with four small walls and that's it. What to talk about? Without the ability to pour water, play with the architecture of the exposition, pile up installations, and most importantly, having absolutely no desire to indulge in hypocrisy.
It remains only to show the very essence, to do without complex terms and complex facial expressions about the deep meanings of what is happening. This is what the exhibition is about - about the secret, about what each of us is left alone with at the end of the day.
Yulia Krivozubova with her bright works reminds us of the simple truth, that god, devil, enemy and friend are all you. And wonders what to do when you finally realize it. Goddesses Krivozubova - in the past, people who knew the truth, looking into the essence of things, went crazy and "ate the person inside themselves."
Max Orlitsky explores human responses to and adaptation to all sorts of change, focusing on the tipping point when mental transformation becomes physical, creating an entirely new hybrid creation.Orlitsky also brings out our animal nature, personifying instincts and blurring the boundaries of human norms.
Anastasia Danilenko exposes emotions, giving them a physical shell. Giving the main role to the internal state of the characters, pushing their personality and circumstances to the periphery, it enhances the emotional tension with intense color, deliberate sharpness of forms and body position. All Danilenko's characters have their eyes closed, they simultaneously look inward and allow the viewer to see more.
“Who is who” is, first of all, a reflection on the essence of each person, which in no way concerns external circumstances, does not concretize the personality, leaving only the most important and offering the viewer to decide for himself who is who.
Yulia Krivozubova - graduated from the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikova, was a resident of the open studios of Aidan Salakhova, exhibited in major Russian art institutions, including MMOMA and CCA Winzavod.
Max Orlitsky - graduated from the Institute of Arts and Design of the Ural State University, trained at the Creative Workshops of the Russian Academy of Arts. In 2019, he entered the Top 100 Young Artists according to InArt. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Works are in private collections in Russia, Germany, USA, Belgium and India. Participant of the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow International Biennale of Young Art. Anastasia Danilenko is a graphic designer by education, a participant in a number of group and solo exhibitions, including in London and New York. Works are in private collections in Russia, USA, UK, Spain.
2022-04-23 17:00 Past